We arrived to 35 degree heat, which is more than we ever get in Aberdeen, though to be fair the summer in Aberdeen this year was stellar: warm, dry and beautiful. We stayed at a hotel right next to the city swimming pool and entertained ourselves aquatically for a couple of days, meeting up with our friends in the evening. Then they left for their holiday and ours, staying in their home, began.
We had two weeks to rest, ride bikes, eat ice cream, peruse bookshops, play on different playgrounds, swim, drink iced coffee, ride some more, eat some more, swim some more...you get the picture!
Here are some of the highlights:
Lunch at an open air cafe after our first proper thunder-and-lightning storm in years!
One of the bookshop-enthusiast high points
This is how we rolled: "The Mothership", Caleb on his own and Dad & Agnes
The best pic of the kids ever...at the new botanical garden
Again at the botanical gardens...a great morning out
Swinging German style: old tyres at the old botanical gardens
Wow, this stuff is cool! Agnes enjoying one of her many swims at the pool
A view from the top: At the "Wurmlinger Kappelle" having a picnic
Yikes!! Caleb after his first proper bike crash (everyone and everything largely intact)
"Fishing" in the local creek on a "cool" day
Family paddle boat outing!
Family picture at the Schloss (castle) overlooking the town
Agnes perfecting her jumping skills
One of the best playgrounds ever!!
That was a fun slide!!
So yes, a great summer, a great holiday and it's great to be back in the routine again now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!